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to the place i never really thought i’d go

hello all!

welcome to my little blog, wherein i will be compiling notes, photos, and thoughts during my month-long stay in the UK and Iceland. the focus of my writing in this period will be on my own private & personal journal, but i’ll be sharing an update every couple of days at the very least!

expect to read reflections on many exciting and varied topics, including but not limited to:

  1. failing to understand london underground maps;

  2. the harry potter studio tour in leavesden, and the chaos of visiting platform 9 3/4 on 1 september as a grown adult;

  3. making new friends, and potentially meeting a long-standing one;

  4. accents, and the linguistic oddities of the icelandic language;

  5. very old buildings, and very new ones;

  6. an evening in conversation hosted by my favorite author, neil gaiman;

  7. what it feels like to cry in countless museums, including the world’s most comprehensive collection of impressionist and post-impressionist paintings;

  8. planes, trains, and riding in automobiles with absolute strangers;

  9. waiting in lines at the largest gaming convention in britain;

  10. troll hunting;

  11. a darwin deez concert;

  12. and many, many more!

keep an eye on this space, particularly between the 30th of august and the 2nd of october, because truly no one knows what might happen!


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